Groundbreaking Ceremony Photos


Partner Organizations

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High-quality investments made in Sweden by international companies are of significant importance for employment, innovation, and export-led growth.

A team of representatives from local, regional, and national organizations has been working closely to jointly support Dana through strategic guidance and advisory services and advance this new investment in an electric motor manufacturing facility in Åmål.

This approach has been shaped by national and regional long-term efforts to strategically and proactively assist international companies present in Sweden with larger investment processes.

Some of the organizations involved to-date include Business Sweden, the County Administrative Board of Västra Götaland, the Fyrbodal Association of Local Authorities, the Government Offices of Sweden, the Position Väst Investment Office, the Region Västra Götaland, the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth, the Swedish Energy Agency, and the Åmål Municipality. Dana has received financing from the Swedish Energy Agency through Industriklivet in line with the EU’s Recovery Fund and a regional investment grant from the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth.